A major anniversary only dawned on me recently: in 2 weeks' time it will be 25 years since I first stepped out as a doctor. I wish to mark this career milestone acknowledging a little help from a Greek God who may have been on the look out.
I had a great first job in Sheffield as neurology houseman to Dr Graham Venables. Marios Hadjivassiliou and Mark Lawden were brilliant guiding lights on the team. Very fond memories of my introduction to the profession at The Royal Hallamshire Hospital.
Since then I estimate having seen about 55,000 patients (50 per week, 44 weeks a year). I hope to have done some good, always endeavoring to be the best.
I continually reflect in my Medical School motto of Ars Longa, Vita Brevis (art is long, life is short); the old phrase attributed to the preacher John Bradford - there but for the grace of God go I; and in Hippocrates' principle of first do no harm.
In the old days before feedback, appraisal and revalidation in medicine there was just trust. But now open information is everything.
In an earlier post I shared the large number of thank yous received during my 14 years as a consultant ophthalmologist.
Here I think it is fitting to share the important other side of the coin: I have never had directed towards me any personal complaints or litigation. Heads up to the Lord and carry on.