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Dcotors office


Specialist Clinics

Cataracts: routine & high challenge surgical cases with ultra low complication rates
Glaucoma: thorough assessment, tight management and close observation avoid progression
Retina: disorders galore, diagnosed early, treated better

Laser: capsulotomy, glaucoma, misdirected eyelash, repeated sub-conjunctival haemorrhages

Strabismus: botox, fixed or adjustable suture techniques
Paediatric eye care: ensuring optics and disease do not interfere with normal visual development
Neuro-ophthalmology: fathoming interesting and complex disorders of the brain and eye

Allergy: not always obvious, sometimes severe, mandate zero tolerance to symptoms
Blepharitis: end the discomfort, work towards the cure
Dry eye: too common, too often poorly treated, seek deserved comfort solutions

Cornea: warranting especial care and protection to maintain health and clarity

Watery eyes: minor tear duct problems easily fixed, often a good precise flush will avoid larger surgery

Thyroid eye disease: spotting early inflammatory eye changes makes all the difference - treated aggressively

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